Is scala a data science framework?

As with other programming languages, Scala expressions follow a similar approach with numeric, Boolean and logical expressions. Classes are considered very useful in object-oriented programming and this is also true for Scala. Scala is an object-oriented programming language and you can write functions in much the same style. While many other modern programming languages are dynamically typed, Scala type-checks at compile-time, which means that many trivial but costly bugs can be detected at compile-time and not in production.

Reports have also shown that Scala ranks 30th in the list of the top 50 trendy programming languages. The Scala programming language has been created to implement large-scale solutions for processing big data in order to produce actionable information. While object-oriented programming combines data structures with the actions you want to perform on them, functional programming keeps the two separate. Scala is a fully-fledged OOP language, and it is possible to write very elegant and expressive programs without even touching its functional attributes.

We'll cover Spark with Scala in the next article and finish the series with Machine Learning with Spark and Scala. Scala Puzzlers by Andrew Phillips and Nermin Šerifović provides a fun way to learn more advanced Scala. It is worth mentioning that the library's neural networks are programs and support all Scala features. It allows users to create MapReduce programs that look like transformations of a native Scala or Java collection.

Not to mention that Scala is one of the JVM languages and its biggest advantage is its support for both object-oriented and functional programming. Last year, in the Tiobe Index report, Scala secured 20th place among the top twenty programming languages, with a score of 0.9%. Scala's type system is very expressive, but getting to know it well enough to use its full power takes time and requires adaptation to a new programming paradigm.